Thursday, September 24, 2015

Suddenly A Loud Bang And Then Complete Silence

The sun was just hinting a peak over the East horizon of Lake Michigan. Gold, blue and white began a sparkling morning show on the lake, as we started out on what was hoped to be a fun fishing day. Set a heading for a favorite GPS spot and set lines in the water at favorite depths.

After a relatively short wait, two very nice trout were on board. Fishing, indeed, was proving to be quite enjoyable. After a lull in the action, we proceeded on a new heading to hunt further quarry.

Suddenly, a loud BANG!! And total silence. Then, a communal realization that the engine had stopped. A very short analysis led us to the conclusion that we were stranded without power. Further analysis concluded that there were few boats in the vicinity which could offer aid.

After several communications by marine radio and cell phone, a concerted effort by friends at the Milwaukee Coast Guard Station, Milwaukee Marina, the Milwaukee Police Harbor Patrol, and the 71 Foot Neeskay, we were, with utmost appreciation, towed into safe harbor.

It was, humbling indeed, for our small boat to be brought into harbor by the formidable UW research vessel piloted by Captain Greg, but it does serve to remind us that all gentlemen of the Harbor are out there to assure the safety and well being of the public if and when assistance is needed.

Thanks guys.

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