Since the preceding entries are related to a four part sequentially entered series, I would suggest starting at Part One, entered 5/28/13. This tale was resurrected from an older archive which may or may not have been originally recorded on the proverbial shovel with a piece of charcoal.
Is it a shocking contagion of catastrophic acts, or: merely copy cats, after recently disclosed IRS, NSA Edward Snowemall, or whatever, type irrational actions.
Is it a shocking contagion of catastrophic acts, or: merely copy cats, after recently disclosed IRS, NSA Edward Snowemall, or whatever, type irrational actions.
Whatever it turns out to be, it represents the first and only attempt by person or persons unknown to impugn the integrity and reputation for long honored, principled and virtuously unembellished prosing on the part of this publisher.
In my treasured position as head muse, and reflecting the totally forthright and transparent method of musing by our government and our business community in general, I have chosen to reprint the obviously prevaricated and totally fictional folly as contained in a recently received communication. Since the offender has chosen to remain anonymous, I choose not to reveal his identity to avoid embarrassing him when the true facts are confirmed as originally reported.
If necessary, I shall revert back into the coveted 1963 Archives in my determined battle to refute these totally inaccurate depictions, even to the extent of determining from which bottle the usurper was nipping.
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