Thursday, December 28, 2017


It has been some time since I penned an entry into this log. It seems as if the memories and events that create such thoughts were interrupted by that lousy storm that raised havoc with our Wild Rose retreat. In fact, June 14,2017, transformed the “retreat” into a “restoration project”.

Numerous runs to Waushara County resulted in remedial efforts rather than the more satisfying and relaxing log cabin retreats. I will not go into the gory details, but suffice to say the long escapes into the pines to battle our arch enemy “buckthorn” were replaced by removing fallen trees from places they did not belong. For the most part, that objective has been fairly well accomplished, I might add “with the help and sweat of many”. A few formidable chores remain, such as a submerged oak tree off the lake shore, but that will be tackled when warmer waters prevail. Then, a landscaping “to do” remains to be undertaken. In a few years, all will be forgotten—I think!

But, I am trying to visualize this as an ongoing labor of love rather than a chore. Perhaps, layering periods of restoration between intervals of deck dwelling and bird watching will make the entire undertaking more palatable. And it would support my philosophy that “too much of a bad thing is not good, and too much of a good thing is not bad”.

Regardless, right now the mercury is at zero, so landscaping is not an alternative. I had best go back to planning and waiting for a thaw.

2018 is bound to be better.