I have received several inquiries regarding the “sick leave” status of some of my hunting partners. It had been rumored that certain people would do anything to escape the nutritional program centered around my Chili. I herewith offer the following report in support of my staunch denial of my Chili’s responsibility for the aforementioned illnesses.
First, brother Warren did voluntarily show up for the second weekend of the hunt and did valiantly demolish a substantial portion of subject Chili, including a bountiful breakfast of omelets and grits smothered in cheese and “the” Venison Chili. Is it any wonder that he recovered fully from whatever ailed him?
Stan, on the other hand, underwent some serious heart surgery, but –lo and behold-he is up, chipper, and looking great. Obviously in anticipation of enjoying what is left of the Chili.
Since much of our time was spent in the woods, the poor woodpile is much depleted, so our next visit will require the utilization of a chain saw, lest we suffer frostbite within the abode.
The good news is that both ill buddies are doing well and we are looking to find some remedial solitude in the woods.